In case anyone doubted, Romania does have talent! And it’s not all about great developers or musicians; it is also about high-school students from various regions of the country winning 22 science medals (physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry and informatics) and July it’s not over yet!
Romania rank 1st in Europe at Physics Olympics
In the past two weeks Romanian national physics team won a total of five medals at Physics International Olympics:
- Gold medal: Stefan Eniceicu & Tudor Cretu (Bucharest, Informatics Highschool)
- Silver medal: Cristian Alexandru Frunza & Razvan Radu (Bucharest, Informatics Highschool)
- Bronze Medal: Ileana Rugina (International Informatics Highschool)
This score ranks Romania 1st in Europe and 10th worldwide at Physics.
The 46th edition of the Physics International Olympics 2015 took place in Mumbai, India (July 4-12). More than 190 high-school students from 48 countries competed for the medals.
Romania rank 1st in Europe at Mathematics Olympiad
International Mathematics Olympics
The six medals won by our young mathematicians at the 56th International Mathematics Olympics (July 4-15, Chiang Mai, Thailand) edition ranks Romania 13th in the world and 1st in Europe.
The gold medal went to Simona Diaconu, the only girl in the team. Theodor Andrei Andronache, Marius Ioan Bocanu, Ciprian Mircea Bonciocat and Stefan Spataru brought back home 3 silver medals. Andrei Bogdan Puiu got the bronze medal.
Gold medal at International Biology Olympiad
Mircea Dan Mirea. Photo: Mesagerul de Covasna
Last week at the The International Biology Olympiad 2015, Mircea Dan Mirea, a XIIth grade student from Craiova, won the first gold medal ever for Romania.
Mircea has quite a great record when it comes to biology competitions: 5 international medals, 15 national awards and diplomas and tens of local and regional ones.
The International Biology Olympiad (IBO) is an annual event where students from all over the world compete on their knowledge of biology. 2015 took place in Aarhus, Denmark. 62 countries across the globe had their national teams competing at IBO2015 The participants are school students up to age 19. To take part in the IBO, the students must be in the top four in the National Biology Olympiad in their individual countries.
10 medals for Romania at Tuymaada
Medals for Romanians @ Tuymaada International Olympiad
Ten more medals for Romanian students won at the the multidisciplinary Tuymaada International Olympiad organized in the Republic of Saka, Russia.
- Chemistry: 1 gold medal for Cristian Robert Raclea; 2 silver medals for Maria Velicu & Sabina-Giorgiana Firtala
- Mathematics: 2 bronze medals for Andreea Dima and Mihnea-Gabriel Doica
- Informatics: 2 gold medals for Darius Marian & Andrei Costin Oncescu; 1 silver medal for Vlad Mihai Rochian
- Physics: 2 silver medals for Iulian Robert Răveanu & Mihai Ovidiu Popa
150 students from 6 Central and Eastern Europe competed at the XXII International Olympiad on Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer science “Tuymaada-2015”.