Home Facts & Dots Romania Ranks 1st at SEEMOUS

Romania Ranks 1st at SEEMOUS

by Ana-Maria Bogdan
3 minutes read

South Eastern European Mathematical Olympiad For University Students 2015 brought to Romania 20 medals thanks to the brilliant Math students from Bucharest, Iasi and Cluj.

Once again math students from three cities proved Romania has brilliant people! At SEEMOUS 2015, Romania came first in Nations’ Top. Congratulations to all winners:

  • Gold medal winners—Viorel-Andrei Bud, Teodor Rotaru, Anca Baltariga, Roxana Radu;
  • Silver media winners—Relu Dragan, Luigi-Ionut Catana, Vlad-Mihai Mihaly, Alexandru Jercaianu, Ciprian Baetu, George Pirtoaca, PaulBuboi, Andrei Vacariu;
  • Bronze medal winners—George-Rares Stan, Mircea Susca, Florin Cosmin Crihan,  Petre-Claudiu Mindrila, Vlad-Raul Constantinescu, Ioana Lal, Petru Cehan.

And all the other competitors from Romania—Marta-Diana Filimon, Ionut Iustin Iordache, Antonela Mariana Fecheta, Codrut Andrei Diaconu, Victor Robu, Vlad Suciu, Codrin Alexandru Lupascu, Dan-Constantin Hutanu and Ionut Vlad Modoranu.

Viorel Andrei Bud (Bucharest University) came first in the individual competition. Bud already has a great track record winning numerous medals in 2013 and 2014 at other international math competitions. Bucharest Polytechnics University also ranked first in University Top.

This is not the first time when Romanian math students win at SEEMOUS. At the seventh SEEMOUS edition which who took place in Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria), Romanian math students were ranked first.


The 9th South Eastern European Mathematical Olympiad for University Students (SEEMOUS 2015) took place in Ohrid, Former Yugoslavic Republic of Macedonia, in the period March 3 – 8, 2015. This competion brought together 91 students from 23 universities from Bulgaria, Greece, Iran, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia and Turkmenistan.

Romania was represented by 28 math students from five universities – Bucharest Polytechnic University, Bucharest Univesity, Technical University of Cluj Napoca,  “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” university (Iasi) and “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University (Iasi).

Winning with Math & Informatics

Despite of all educational, economical and political constraints Romania has faced in the past fifty years, math and informatics students from various universities across country competed and won hundreds of international awards.  Below we have only few achievements of the last years obtained by Romanian students:

  • In 2014 Romania was ranked 1st In Europe and 11th in the world at the International Mathematical Olympiad (Cape Town); all six students have won medals;
  • In March 2014, MIT enrolled Omer Cerrahoglu as one of its student; at just 19 years old, Omer already has 10 gold and silver international medals;
  • In 2012 Romania was ranked 1st in Europe and 10th in the world at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO);
  • In 2010, some of the most well-known IT specialist in the world gave Ionut Budisteanu one of the 12 Turing Awards (San Francisco); some experts would say that’s like winning a Nobel prize for IT&C;
  • Romanian Ana Caraiani won the golden medal twice (2002, 2003) at International Mathematical Olympiad; she is the only woman in the world to have won twice Putnam Competion; she graduated Princeton with Suma Cum Laudae and took her Ph.D. at Harvard.

Such achievements are the best proof that determination and passion can conquer all kinds of obstacles.

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