It feels to me a little bit unfair to talk about Havana’s rum cocktails, as I did in Hemingway’s Love Affair with El Floridita’s Daiquiri & Writing, and not share with you Hemingway Daiquiri recipe. “Daiquiri like Papa” was the initial given name to this Cuban rum cocktail honoring Papa. Later on it got a second name, Papa Doble, yet today is known as Hemingway Daiquiri. This recipe is the exactly the Daiquiri the writer used to have at his beloved El Floridita Bar. He had his Papa Dobles along with some delicious slices of fried Cuban bananas.
Truth to be told, F. Scott Fitzgerald deserves the credit for being the first novelist to introduce the Daiquiri to the literary audience in This Side of Paradise. Yet, it was Ernest Hemingway who made it famous with the voice of his characters in his novels. In Hemingway’s posthumously published novel Islands in the Stream, Thomas Hudson is an artist who paints island scenes for a living. As long as he fills his days by doing what he loves most, namely painting, Thomas finds relative peace on the beautiful island of Bimini, the most western island in the Caribbean. Yet, just like Hemingway, Hudson is also known as a prodigious drinker. He loved his Daiquiris without sugar, as he could consume larger quantities without getting one sick.
Hemingway Daiquiri Recipe (aka Papa Doble)
So, as promised, here’s Papa Doble’s recipe. Below you can find all ingredients and steps you need to follow to enjoy a Hemingway Daiquiri in the comfort of your own home.

- 2 oz white rum
- 1 oz fresh lime juice
- 1/2 oz fresh grapefruit juice
- 1/4 oz maraschino liqueur
- shaved or cubed ice
- coupe glass
- Martini glass
- slice of lime
- straw
Fill a blender/shaker with one-quarter full of ice, preferably shaved. Add rum, lime juice, and maraschino liqueur to the blender or shaker. Shake vigorously for about thirty seconds, or until the drink is foaming. Strain into a chilled fluted glass. Share your Daiquiri with your best friends. It will taste even better!
Daiquiri to enjoy
In case this isn’t enough, or you just simply want to see a properly prepare Hemingway Daiquiri, here’s your chance. Watch the award-winning bartender Jim Meehan do the work! Journalist and author of The PDT Cocktail Book and Bartender Manual, Meehan is famous for his world-renowned bar in the East Village. It’s the one place where bartenders routinely mix drinks with multiple obscure ingredients.
- Watch mixologist Jim Meehan of PDT preparing Hemingway Daiquiri (external link)
- Best receipe and how to make it by Simon Difford (external link)